up for debate
Inspired by an www.imdb.com post and a star wars filled weekend I have made a list of the most powerful jedi in my opinion, this is up for debate:
1. Yoda (come on he's little he's green and witty, power plus wisdom puts him at number one)
2. Darth Sidious (may not be the best with the force but combined with political ability makes him unstoppable)
3. Luke (with little training holds his own with two extremly powerful dark jedi)
4. Anakin/Darth Vader (highest media chlorin rate but too cocky to harness it completly)
5. Obi-Wan (dissolves into the force and survives jedi slaughter)
6. Qui-Gon (being a renegade was the only thing that kept him off the council but respected by it)
7. Mace Windu (Samuel L. honestly)
8. Count Dooku/Darth Tyrannus (only beats yoda by distraction and is killed by Anakin)
9. Darth Maul (double sided light sabre come on)
1. Yoda (come on he's little he's green and witty, power plus wisdom puts him at number one)
2. Darth Sidious (may not be the best with the force but combined with political ability makes him unstoppable)
3. Luke (with little training holds his own with two extremly powerful dark jedi)
4. Anakin/Darth Vader (highest media chlorin rate but too cocky to harness it completly)
5. Obi-Wan (dissolves into the force and survives jedi slaughter)
6. Qui-Gon (being a renegade was the only thing that kept him off the council but respected by it)
7. Mace Windu (Samuel L. honestly)
8. Count Dooku/Darth Tyrannus (only beats yoda by distraction and is killed by Anakin)
9. Darth Maul (double sided light sabre come on)
I like what you've done here. I think the best light saber fight would have been Obi Wan and Anakin (pre Vader) versus Darth Maul. However, what I would have really enjoyed in III would have been if Darth Sidious had a double sided lightsaber when the four Jedi (led by Master Windu) came to arrest him and just fuckin' went off!!! I mean, that would have been all sorts of The Force and lightsabers everywhere. AWESOME!!! ... I'm high. Sorry. Miss you buddy.
Marty, get a blog. That way your name can appear in a cool blue color rather than black.
I think that Anikin (had he not been sliced and diced by Obi wan) would have dominated this list at number 1, he just didn't have the time to mature force-wise. As Darth Vader though, he is at the right spot.
Am I the only nerd that picked up on Marty's egregious error on Star Wars knowledge? The fight was between Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Darth Maul. This is what would have happened had Darth Maul had fought Obi-Wan and Anakin in the first movie: Maul kicks young Annie in the Head, killing him instantly. He then dominates Obi-Wan with his double-edged saber, ruining George Lucas' "vision" of Star Wars. Hopefully you all read that in the fat comic-book shopkeeper voice from the Simpsons. Best. Comment. EVER.
Rogers is God of the nerds.
Hey, what if there were light-saber-numchucks? Then Michaelangelo could make the list. I'd put him at around number 4. And Darth Maul needs to be higher, Dookoo is a douche.
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