Tuesday, October 04, 2005

fuck it

Remember in fourth grade where we all spent a month of staring at a new form of English lettering, lettering which we cautiously traced on Xeroxed worksheets. This flowing script inaptly named cursive, took months to master and I feel the only thing I have used it for since was to sign my name. That means I took months out of my life to learn 26 letters of which I only use 13. Fuck it I'm sticking to printing damn the elementary school systems.

Working night give you day times to goof off and recent rain has influenced my movie watching (average up to two a day, one guaranteed to be bad) but movies aren't really my problem the reason I have switched over to movies is the absolute exhaustion of day time television. I have watched all the sitcoms so many times I've seen every episode I've come across, I attempted to move to educational programs and finished those, without becoming a better person. Fuck it I'm going to take up golf.

The networks must be salivating at the idea that the four biggest markets in the American league are in the playoffs, if they could have picked the teams at the beginning guaranteed NY, LA, Chicago, and Boston would be what they wanted. But that's not the biggest problem with baseball playoff teams, the padres oh my god the padres how the hell does a team clinch the playoffs at 77 wins and 77 losses. Fuck it I'll wait till the world series to watch again.


Blogger Dasher said...

Oh yes, the game of golf. The game of men, the game of the greats, the game of....the gods!

5:17 PM  
Blogger Charles said...

You need Tivo

5:56 PM  
Blogger Zack said...

You're right. I never use cursive (and if I did, no one would be able to read it). What a f**king waste.

6:57 PM  
Blogger Drew G said...

Vin Diesel uses cursive

8:47 PM  
Blogger matty said...

yeah we all wish we could be vin diesel

1:49 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wouldn't it have been great if instead of cursive we learned curse words.

FUCK THAT WOULD'VE BEEN A SIGHT! A bunch of lil shits running around swearing their heads off and getting graded for it.

Maybe I should look into reforming the education system...eh fuck it. I'm over school.

You should take up golf, and get Netflix, it's great...because then when your not watching movies, you can waste time searching for more movies to watch online.

9:42 PM  
Blogger kfly said...

are you actually coming to visit?

2:37 PM  

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