Thursday, October 27, 2005

blog a beer pt. II

When all else fails-----

if you are a long time reader of this blog you remember back in the day where Kyle what's his face and I participated in an epic event in which we made posts for every beer we drink well again we attempt this massive feet on a Thursday in a semi abandoned house on in Tacoma, WA, may it entertain and astound. A quick refresher on the rules after every beer both Kyle (check side links) and I will update a post may the the last man standing fall into couches or beds with the best style.

in the form of a question---

Alex trebec is way cooler then pat sajac. discuss. my posts may end up on the drker side due to the fact I am sitting in a darkened room cause as far as I can figure the light doesn't work. I'd like to preemptively thank drew for lending me use of his computer even though he doesn't know I'm using it and I never asked, so to you Drew I salute your shorts, or something like that. Now back to prime time gameshow test of knowledge.

into the great wide open---

the end of jeopardy has dawned a new era in my life I look to the future with dismay and excitement. Here's a thought I heard at a lecture today that I thought was relatively interesteing while we have a seperation of church and state there isn't a seperation of politics and religon. pretty heavy shit, eh? now I am torn here I noticed I have already recieved two comments, to look or not to look that is the question, fuck that wishy washy hamlet and his suicidal rants. Damn I'm glad he got the poison. not really it's too early to cast judgements, I mean look at me I'm writing a blog about a writer who has been dead for, well at least longer then I've been alive, so throw your stones level the playing field and make damn sure you wear a cup, cause the next hit might be your last.

left left left right left----

grammer and I have never seemed to get along I hate capitalization, I hate run ons and I absolutly hate the structure of it all. My favorite form of writing is just free form your mind works your fingers write. Which, I guess is semi odd cause I didn't really like James Joyces portrait of an artist. ahhh light, drew came back, and immediatly annonced his hatred of Kyle I second it I mean that guy, head shake head shake. he who can amuse himself, will never cease to be amused.

when you lift you head you're no yeast you're no bread----

I'm hitting the mind blank, the titanic hit the iceberg and it sank, pirates could force you to walk the plank but I'm only going to force you to wait. Kyle has to play in some stupid ass bowling league so I by obligation to the blog must follow along. in this follow I may drink more than one beer before I can get back to me adoring (in my head don't disillusion me) public. but enough of incompetancies, how are you, I have to say you are looking reverberant tonight. The kind of nioght where we could fall into each others arms and lose hours in the madness. or maybe it's me and all the hallucinagenics that have been swimming in my system for the last 87 days, but ..... I love you and all you could be. Hey remember those pens that smelled and by smelled I mean had an aroma that was plesant well you are the grape of my readers, so fuck off I'm going to drink more.

well then shit happened-----

I hate things not just you even though you are involved in things and if people addendem my shit I will slaughter mare then I know. Families keep going on blogs keep going on and on till I fall to the masses. maybe I'll fall to something. like well shit I'm not that cool. I am just me and bowling is too cool for the others. wrecked cause all I did was drink. when I wake up tomorrow I'll kill drew, take his jugular and make sure it bleeds till he goes delusional then I'll call an ambnulance then I'll keep kicking him till I get a domestic abuse charge. but other than that I'll see where I end up. Seth is over rated in life so I leave you with this wisdom it is better to play than watch. rock on and wait for the end.

so it is so it will be---

Kyle passed out I have no more reason to be up and I can't decide what to do so this may be the last entry for tonight but for the record kyle snuck to the back room with seth and came out with a white stain on his lips. it could have been the bottle of white out he drank but I'll leave that up to the audience to decide. sleep well.

Monday, October 24, 2005

yeah fuck ann coulter

Saturday, October 22, 2005

time zones

I'm never leaving the coast again it's too confusingin Denver Eastern time is only two hours difference how can my brain compensate, oh yeah by drowning as many insidious little fucking brain cells in copious amounts of intoxicants. My first 30 hours in Denver were spent confinded to Joes apartment waiting for my bag to be delivered since the incompetent airline industry lost my bag. on the bright side three of us had a pony keg and a beer pong to keep ourselves entertained. It was a decent distraction but I still ended up losing a sleeping bag that was strapped to my bag so that sucks more creatively than a three dollar whore. another bright side is Joe's new room mate and I are both assholes a couple of girls came over and we proceeded to lie mess with and talk shit to till I'm sure they felt uncomfortable enough to leave, I guess that's what we get for being plastered and trying to communitcate with the sober. Well I need food so I'm waking Joe's ass up.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

you might be a drunk if ...

on vacation

over the course of last night Dasher and I ran into two entirely tooo drunk old men who assaulted us with much wisdom, which I promptly forgot when I woke up this morning ut it made me wish for the day when I turn old and can get shitfaced alone in a bar and dispense the knowledge that years of fuckups have helped me to learn. Also old people are entirely comfortable with themselves while both of the guys we met one at the beggining of the night and one at the night, neither had qualms about just being who they are cause really fuck it thier old.

oh I;m also in Tacoma on vacation thus the title of the post, peace out suckas.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

fuck it

Remember in fourth grade where we all spent a month of staring at a new form of English lettering, lettering which we cautiously traced on Xeroxed worksheets. This flowing script inaptly named cursive, took months to master and I feel the only thing I have used it for since was to sign my name. That means I took months out of my life to learn 26 letters of which I only use 13. Fuck it I'm sticking to printing damn the elementary school systems.

Working night give you day times to goof off and recent rain has influenced my movie watching (average up to two a day, one guaranteed to be bad) but movies aren't really my problem the reason I have switched over to movies is the absolute exhaustion of day time television. I have watched all the sitcoms so many times I've seen every episode I've come across, I attempted to move to educational programs and finished those, without becoming a better person. Fuck it I'm going to take up golf.

The networks must be salivating at the idea that the four biggest markets in the American league are in the playoffs, if they could have picked the teams at the beginning guaranteed NY, LA, Chicago, and Boston would be what they wanted. But that's not the biggest problem with baseball playoff teams, the padres oh my god the padres how the hell does a team clinch the playoffs at 77 wins and 77 losses. Fuck it I'll wait till the world series to watch again.